Be With The Herd



Your greatest teacher

The human connection to animals is undeniable, yet for some of us that connection is not yet realized. If you have ever spent time with animals you might notice changes in the way you feel and experience a gamut of emotions. With horses the connection is more immediate since being natural communicators, these amazing creatures are more intuitive and perceptive than most. Our herd will guide you through a spiritual transformation, creating a bond that can last a lifetime. Meet them and discover what makes them some of our greatest teachers.




Pony Boy


What they say about us

I wanted to write you a thank you for the time you gave me with the horses while I was there. I’ve always loved being around and involved with horses.

As a child I remember loving their smell, and their beauty. The way they seemed to have “honest eyes” no matter how they were feeling and could somehow communicate with us so well using just them. It used to blow my mind feeling the power of a horse between my legs when riding. I would have said I was both afraid and not afraid of them back then. But, as an adult, having the opportunity to revisit them I realized it wasn’t fear, it was respect.

These large beautiful, charismatic creatures are so powerful, they could break me in a split second… but they never would…. on purpose. Truly one of god’s creatures. They are just “good” by nature.

Being around them ultimately always ends with a sense of calm and peace. Initially they are intimidating. But then I realized they are intimidated as well and have a remarkable ability to sense your feelings and react to it. So, walking towards a horse, you naturally make yourself calmer. You go through the thoughts and emotions you know how, to push down fear and become a calm, confident, empathetic person when walking towards the horse. You heighten your senses to stay alert and once you are able to touch one successfully and see the pleasure in their eyes, you feel the love they begin to give and suddenly it is confirmed. You officially feel calm, confident, at peace, and somewhat balanced.

The more time I spent with them, the more relaxed I felt. And same for the horses and the more I felt like I was living “Here and Now.” It’s a rare opportunity in this busy world to feel that way long enough to acknowledge it and I want to thank you for giving me that.


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Blue Ray of Hope Integrative Wellness Center

5800 Willow Bend Rd, Union, WV 24983